For the Input netCDF File value, type or browse to C:NetCDFtemperature.nc. Procedure In ArcMap, use the Make NetCDF Raster Layer tool to convert the netCDF file to a raster layer. Click the Make NetCDF Raster Layer tool in the list. When I run the model, it seems to run through everything, but I get no output or I get an output that.

Ive done it with one of them successfully without a model. I want to convert them to raster layers then symbolize them. From the Analysis tab > Tools > Geoprocessing pane > Toolboxes > Data Management Tools > Raster > Raster Processing > Composite Bands. This article provides instructions to convert a netCDF file to a raster layer and project the converted raster layer. I am trying to build a model using an iterator to process a folder of NetCDF files. Use the Composite Bands tool on the layers. Using the Make NetCDF Raster Layer tool from the Multidimension Tools toolbox, you can create a raster layer from a netCDF variable.Non-reproducible in `2.3` buildsIf the input layers are Classic NetCDF Raster layers, the output is now as : Export both the U and V raster layers to raster datasets using the Export Data option under the Data tab and apply the Composite raster function. The netCDF feature layer can be used as input to any geoprocessing tool that accepts a feature class as input. Subsequent drawing of the layer will not have a delay. For very large netCDF files, there may be a delay between tool completion and the initial draw of the netCDF layer.

When I use Make NetCDF Raster Layer on that netCDF file, it lines up with the points perfectly. Ive attached the result as fromarcgrid.nc, and the text version as fromarcgrid.cdl. I interpolated to raster and converted to netCDF. The issue's Additional Information section may contain further explanation. Makes a feature layer from a netCDF file. To test, I took point data in NSIDC EASE Grid North, which I believe is EPSG:3408. Within each tool, you have ability to specify the desired output layer. Issues may be given this status when they cannot be reproduced or are no longer relevant in a development version of the software, but a specific fix was not installed to address the issue. Make NetCDF Raster Layer, Make NetCDF Feature Layer process is the same, just different tool being called. Steps: Complexity: Beginner Data Requirement: ArcGIS Tutorial Data Setup Data Path: C:arcgisArcTutorNetCDF Goal: Create a raster layer from a netCDF file. This issue was not reproducible when tested by the development team.